Wednesday, November 30, 2016


November’s New Moon occurred at 4:19 am PST on Tuesday, November 29. Each New Moon  allows us to experience a new emotional energy in the house of our natal chart which it occupies at this event. Where in your chart do you find 7° Sagittarius? This is the territory where you are encouraged to define a fiery vision that will guide your life. 

Sagittarius is the sign that follows Scorpio, the intense sign that thrives on intrapsychic exploration and doing external detective work that exposes the truth about various real world phenomenon. The principle of truth is also important to Sagittarius, although this sign is known to stretch reality a bit through exaggeration and hyperbole. Sagittarians are often philosophical, and they concern themselves with the development of a broad vision to guide their life pursuits or the work for the entities which employ them.

Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, is presently in Libra, the sign that strives for harmony and balance. At the time of the New Moon, Jupiter is opposing the erratic and revolutionary planet of Uranus, which conjoins the rebellious female energy of Eris. Certainly, at the societal level, we are highly aware of various forces within the U.S. that are disrupting the status quo, and this causes many to feel off balance. We are observing a struggle for power and influence among many groups (women opposing misogyny, people of color, LGBT individuals, and working class whites) that have traditionally operated outside the mainstream of society (Uranus). 

Meanwhile, the Sun and the Moon were conjunct Saturn at this New Moon. Saturn defines boundaries and builds structures. Saturnian energy also thrives on the concept of commitment. Consequently, this is the time to commit yourself to a passionate cause that will provide greater meaning to your life.

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