Monday, October 31, 2016


By CopyrightFreePhotos (Own work by uploader [1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

On Sunday, October 30, the Moon began a new phase in the sign of Scorpio, a time when this luminary conjuncts the Sun, which has been transiting Scorpio since October 22. The Moon represents the primal emotions, our instincts, and the very early patterning of feelings. The Scorpio Moon brings us the challenge of going deeply into our psyche to confront any issues that need further resolution. We get a double dose of Scorpio energy on Halloween, although the Moon is void of course beginning at 6:44 pm.  

Scorpio is associated with those realms of our being that are often taboo or unsavory, such as sexual feelings, raw emotions, taxes, and death. Of course, our attitude and behavior related to these subjects evolves over the course of our lifetime, depending upon the extent to which we have been open to examining such topics. Pluto, the modern-day ruler of Scorpio, is about purging whatever no longer serves a purpose. This allows us to regenerate and ultimately transform our being. Generally, looking at and working with profound issues is not a quick process, but often times a life-long journey.

At its best, Scorpio desires to uncover the truth. This sign knows the power of unveiling what must come out of the darkness into the light. Journalism, particularly alternative media, often assumes the role of truth excavators. Scorpio is keenly aware of how power works, and natives of this sign often feel compelled to keep things close to the chest for their own self-preservation. What is happening presently on the national scene clearly illustrates this dynamic. As many people are aware, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, a Sun Sign Scorpio, installed a private computer server at home that allowed her to bypass the government email system at the State Department. At some point in time, she and her staff destroyed many emails that might have contained potent information. This action has continued to haunt her campaign, from the primary to the general election. Her opponents, Donald Trump and the Republican Party, are capitalizing on this situation in their attempts to woo the American electorate. This is quite ironic, since Mr. Trump himself has been unwilling to make public his tax returns and has avoided discussing many of his questionable business ventures. 

Before the Sun leaves Scorpio on November 21, we have an opportunity to shine the Sun’s light on needed changes in our own life: to sweep away the dead matter and replace it with vibrant life. This can range from something as simple as clearing away useless items from our environment to much larger issues in our life. Of course, this transformative energy is always active at some level through the actions of Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio. After the Sun enters Sagittarius, Jupiter in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn for its first pass of this aspect on November 24. The following day, on the 25th, Venus forms an exact conjunction with Pluto. This portends a time when much may be revealed about matters pertaining to money and relationships.

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