Thursday, July 7, 2016

A Time of Moving Forward Slowly and Deliberately

Mars on Pompei Mural
(Photo by  By Kleuske (Own work) [GFDL (, CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or CC BY 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons)

In astrological symbolism, Mars is the planet that gives us the impetus to go after what we want. Its energy assists us in protecting our territory, both physical and psychic space. Since April 17, Mars has been in retrograde motion, i.e. “moving backwards” across the zodiac from 8° Sagittarius to 23° Scorpio. This planet stationed and began moving forward on June 29. Mars will end up spending a great amount of time in the latter degrees of deliberate Scorpio, not proceeding into Sagittarius until August 3. Although it enters an energetic fire sign, Mars will be approaching Saturn, the “brick wall” of astrology. Saturn sets boundaries and limits, and when Mars is in conjunction with this monolith, astrologers often say that this feels like we are trying to drive with the brakes on.  

The New Moon in Cancer on July 4th made us aware that we are still in the realm of emotional considerations, where we need to pay particular attention to our feelings. The Sun, of course, has been in Cancer since the 21st of June. Excluding the fast-moving Moon, there are presently five major planets in water signs. This is a time for inner reflection and digging deeply into the psyche, as reflected by Mars in Scorpio. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are in Cancer, signaling that we need to be in receptive mode and that we allow ourselves to nurture or be nurtured. Neptune is in Pisces for the long-haul, and this energy is calling for a deep personal connection to the spiritual and for the formulation of a new vision by humanity.

The Full Moon on July 19th will bring some significant energy shifts. Stay tuned for upcoming action. Meanwhile, enjoy the relative calm of the feeling realm.

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