Wednesday, January 20, 2016


The Sun began its annual transit of Aquarius on January 20 at 7:27 am PST. As an air sign, Aquarius is socially motivated. Aquarius’ unique communication style involves making connections on a massive and broad scale. Air signs operate on the mental level and they can appear to be somewhat detached, and Aquarius is no exception. I think scientists are perfect archetype for this sign, because they spend considerable time alone working on theories and inventions, yet they are inclined to share this knowledge with colleagues, whether through one-on-one contact or in professional gatherings.

Traditionally, this sign was ruled by the earthy planet Saturn, but in modern astrology frameworks Aquarius is ruled by electrical Uranus. I favor a dual rulership because from my vantage point, the Aquarian process involves analyzing the value of established knowledge and making radical alterations in our theories or practice---all contributions toward human progress.

Aquarius energy fits easily into these modern times of electric quick technology. Natives of this sign understand the importance of using these tools for the advancement of science, in such realms as space exploration, environmental studies, or medicine.

When natives of this sign favor the more Uranian elements of their personality, they may appear odd and quirky to others. My photo above depicts an unidentified flower that I think represents Aquarius because of its unique appearance. May you all have a glorious month where you tap into out-of-the-box thinking that moves you or society to a new level!

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