Sunday, December 27, 2015


Ruled by the planet Saturn, the sign of Capricorn encourages our use of focused energy to bring form and tangibility to our projects and our relationships. The Sun began its transit of Capricorn at the Winter Solstice at 8:48 pm PST on December 21. 

Capricorn is known for its ability to persevere the steep climb upward toward its goal, and this process requires commitment. Be honest with yourself about what you really want, because this will make climbing that mountain more purposeful. Use this next month to firm up your plans for the new year and then begin carrying out the steps to help them come to fruition. This is the opportune time to build necessary structures, literally or figuratively. Expect to see results!

Capricorn is a conservative sign in the sense that it prefers not to waste, but to make do with what it has until such time that rewards come for the hard work the native of this sign has endured. Although Capricorn is a social sign, the process toward growth sometimes requires the rigors of solitude in order to accomplish one's goals. I wish you all the ultimate in productivity and satisfaction in the next month!

The above image is my photo of a flower blossom on a cactus plant, which I might choose to represent Capricorn energy. The cactus conserves water so that it can thrive year-round, even in the driest of seasons. To me, the blooming flower represents the plant's reward for conservation and a celebration of its growth cycle.

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