Monday, June 1, 2020


Photograph of the Peace Monument by Carol M. Highsmith (Library of Congress) 

The Big Picture in June

The photo above shows the statue of Grief weeping, with her hands covering her face and leaning against the shoulder of the statue of History. These two classically adorned figures are part of the Peace Monument that pays tribute to naval deaths during the American Civil War. This white marble memorial is the work of sculptor Franklin Simmons and it stands on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol.

These are times of mourning, uncertainty, and anger. We grieve for the dead that we have lost due to a pandemic that seems to have arrived so quickly. The rapid spread of Covid-19 among the U.S. population might be due in part to forces out of anyone’s control. Nevertheless, we are angry because we know that many deaths were probably the result of a lack of preparedness by our federal and state governments and from the apathy shown by the powerful in responding to this crisis. Because of the severity of this crisis, many in our country feel uncertainty about the short-term and long-term economic impact of Covid-19 on their lives. Finally, and very importantly, we mourn the deaths of individuals who have been taken from us because of the color of their skin. We are angry because of the unjust ways people are treated in this country and because of the lack of inaction on this issue.

In June, the major astrological events are the two of three eclipses that occur over the course of the next six weeks. From an astrological perspective, eclipses represent periods when we have the opportunity to become illuminated around matters in our personal lives or at the societal level. The issues that present themselves at the eclipses appear particularly intense and may speed up our evolution. Additionally, eclipses are a time when we hear very important disclosures, whether in our personal lives or in the external environment. Practicing astrologers note that we feel the energy of eclipses before and after their occurrence.

On June 5 at 12:12 PM we have the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 15°34′ Sagittarius. This astronomical phenomenon occurs at the Full Moon when the Sun and Moon are in opposition. In this alignment, the Earth blocks the light of the Sun that is usually reflected by the Moon. Instead, the Earth’s shadow falls on the Moon.

What are the issues highlighted through the planetary aspects at the time of the Lunar eclipse? First, this lunar eclipse occurs on the South Node of habits and matters ready to be released in order for growth to occur. At the societal level, the archaic aspects of Sagittarius are ready to be discarded, such as inequities in the legal system. Furthermore, we see the Sun, representing our identity and our life direction, in a separating conjunction with Venus, the planet of love, values, and resources. The Sun and Venus are squared by Mars, the planet of action that focuses energy on pursuing goals. Hence, action is called for within our relationships, either personally or on the societal level. Meanwhile, Neptune squares the Sun, indicating that there might be confusion in how to proceed. However, at a higher expression of Neptune, this symbolic language suggests that this situation demands compassion and imagination. This is especially an issue because Mars is in an applying conjunction with Neptune. Last, but not least, we have a conjunction of the powerful planets Pluto (death/rebirth), Jupiter (magnification), and Saturn (structures). It goes without saying that the issues of death and inadequate structures have been magnified to an extent that makes it difficult to ignore.

One symbol in the mix of the conjunction of Pluto, Jupiter, and Saturn is Pallas Athena at 29°39′ Capricorn. This asteroid is named after the Greek Goddess of Wisdom. She represents the fusion of the intellect with intuitive knowing. In her book Mythic Astrology (1993 edition, pp 98-99), astrologer Ariel Guttman informs us that among the Romans, this goddess was said to be exalted in the realm of battle. Yet, it is not physical prowess for which she was known, but rather she was touted for her strategic skills in war. However, Guttman points out that this goddess preferred diplomacy and negotiation to physical conflict. 

This symbolism around strategic thinking reminded me of some of the community leaders who spoke about the current protests of the killing of George Floyd and injustice in general. One of these speakers was the rap artist known as Killer Mike. I am paraphrasing but I seem to recall that he told the residents of Atlanta that this is the time to strategize (Pallas Athena), to organize (Saturn), to register to vote (Jupiter) in order to transform (Pluto) our country.

On the Pacific coast, we experience the Annular Solar Eclipse on June 20 at 11:41 pm at 0°21′ Cancer. A solar eclipse is when the orbiting moon is between the Earth and the Sun, thereby blocking the Sun’s light from reaching the earth and casting a shadow. An Annular Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon is at apogee, the farthest point from the Earth. Because it is too far to block the Sun completely, the Moon appears as a dark disk surrounded by the larger disk of the Sun. 

What are the issues that are represented by the planetary aspects at the time of the Annular Solar Eclipse? When this astronomical event occurs, the Sun has begun its transit of Cancer, and the Moon’s Nodes are in the communications axis of Gemini (North Node) and Sagittarius (South Node). Because what our federal officials do in our nation’s capital is particularly pertinent in our lives at this time, I set the Annular Solar Eclipse chart (using Koch houses) for Washington, D.C. There I see the conjunction of planets in Aquarius/Capricorn (Saturn, Pallas Athena, Jupiter, and Pluto) are at the top of the chart in the tenth house.  These issues of structures (Saturn), law (Jupiter), Pluto (death/rebirth) and strategies (Pallas Athena) appear to be salient issues for our country. In this chart for Washington, D.C., the second house is occupied by the North Node in Gemini in conjunction with the Sun and the Moon, the symbols of our ego and emotional core. Will our country rethink our values to develop a new American identity and thereby meet the challenge of growth suggested by the conjunction of the North Node with Solar Eclipse luminaries?  
The eclipses occur with a backdrop of other important astrological placements and events. At the time of the Lunar eclipse we have four planets in retrograde motion (Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) and by the Solar eclipse, Mercury will have gone retrograde (beginning June 17). Venus does turn direct on June 24. Nevertheless, all these planets in retrograde motion suggest that we have many matters that require reflection and perhaps revamping. In other words, we might not see things really move forward for a while.

On June 27, Mars begins its transit of the sign it rules, Aries. Because Mars will turn retrograde on September 9, it will spend several months in Aries. Although this action planet is in its compatible element, we might feel thwarted by blockages that prevent us from making concrete progress. However, we can reward ourselves by acknowledging our success in refining our plans and tweaking our strategies until we’re ready to launch once again.

Significant Days in June

Below you will find a table of astrological events for this month. You can assess the quality of significant days by noting when planets form exact aspects and where all this activity takes place in your natal chart. 

Here is a basic key for understanding the meaning of the aspects: 

The Conjunction: This aspect represents the merging and fusion of energies by two (or more planets) that have joined at a particular degree (or within a specified orb). This combined energy is very potent. When this occurs, we might feel subjective about a matter in our lives.

The Sextile (60°): Planets in this formation are harmonious and lend themselves to cooperation. Astrologer Sue Tompkins says there is a quality of “coaxing” in sextiles. In other words, if we put in a little effort at these times, we can take advantage of opportunities in a situation.

The Quintile (72°): Planets in this aspect represent the type of harmony inherent in creative endeavors. It might often describe the impulse to fuse an idea into a tangible substance. Quintiles often describe the talents possessed by individuals. 

The Square (90°): Planets that line up in this aspect reflect incompatible energies with contrasting needs. Consequently, we can describe this planetary relationship as tense and strained. Because these energies can be working at cross-purposes, the situation at hand may require us to make choices. The “silver lining” is that squares compel us to take action and this often results in dispelling tension. If we are conscious of the dilemma, we can use the excess energy in a matter so that we can achieve something useful.

The Trine (120°): There is an ease in the relationship between planets involved with this aspect because they are of the same element. At this time, we can perform activities with a flowing energy. We enjoy these activities, and they often reflect our innate talents. Because this energy is so comfortable, it often does not promote growth. Yet, these aspects reflect how we can be healed. 

The Quincunx (150°): Planets forming this relationship appear to have nothing in common. These planets display energies that are out of step with one another. There can be an element of irritation and stress because of this, but it is not a confrontative type of energy. If we are conscious of this reality, we can make adjustments to the relationship such that we do not feel so out of sync.

The Opposition (180°): This relationship between planets brings to our awareness how something is different from our preferred position. We could be in conflict with others about a matter. Also, we might shift our preference from one point of view to its opposite. Yet, we can also find common ground in this relationship. This aspect has the potential for us to integrate our perspectives.

Date of Exact Aspect

Pacific Time
Astrological Events
June 1

1:05 AM
Jupiter (26°44′ Capricorn) quintile Chiron (8°44′ Aries)

June 3

12:04 AM
Venus (14°02′ Gemini) square Mars (14°02′ Pisces)
June 3

10:43 PM
Sun (13°35′ Gemini) conjunct Venus (13°35′ Gemini)

June 5

4:04 AM
Mercury (8°46′ Pisces) sextile Uranus (8°46′ Taurus)

June 5

12:12 PM
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (15°34′ Sagittarius)
June 6

12:10 PM
Sun (16°31′ Gemini) square Mars (16°31′ Pisces)
June 9

8: 41 PM
Mercury leaves out of bounds declination
June 11

2::37 AM
Sun (20°55′ Gemini) square Neptune (20°55′ Pisces)

June 13

7:12 AM
Mars ( 20°56′ Pisces) conjunct Neptune ( 20°56′ Pisces)

June 14
6:57 PM
Sun (24°26′ Gemini) quincunx Pluto (24°26′ Capricorn)

June 16
12:33 AM
Sun (25°37′ Gemini) quincunx Jupiter (25°37′ Capricorn)

June 17

9:59 PM
Mercury (14°46′ Cancer) begins its retrograde cycle
June 18

4:08 PM
Mars (24°21′ Pisces) sextile Pluto (24°21′ Capricorn)

June 20

00:56 AM
Mars ( 25°13′ Pisces) sextile Jupiter (25°13′ Capricorn)

June 20

2:44 PM
Sun enters Cancer
June 20

11:41 PM
Annular Solar Eclipse (0°21′ Cancer)
June 21
7:14 AM
Sun (0°40′ Cancer) quincunx Saturn (0°40′ Aquarius)

June 22

9:32 PM
Neptune (20°58′ Pisces) begins its retrograde cycle
June 24

11:48 PM
Venus (5°20′ Gemini) turns direct
June 27

6:45 PM
Mars enters Aries
June 28

3:58 AM
Mars (0°13′ Aries) sextile Saturn (0°13′ Aquarius)
June 29

7:44 PM
Jupiter (24°06′ Capricorn) conjunct Pluto (24°06′ Capricorn)

June 30

3:12 PM
Mercury (9°51′ Cancer) sextile Uranus (9°51′ Taurus)

June 30

7:52 PM
Sun (9°44′ Cancer) conjunct Mercury (9°44′ Cancer)

June 30
11:06 PM
Sun (9°52′ Cancer) sextile Uranus (9°52′ Taurus)

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